The Yellow Banyo House …

I have so many memories that are from the Yellow Banyo house that was Rodney’s that i decided i needed to write about our places in general. HIs place – THE YELLOW BANYO FIBRO – I had helped him move into the yellow place from what we used to call the big house.. the big house was on the opposite side of the street and twice as big. When Rod sold the big house we decided to just move everything over the road by hand and not pack anything. 3 very rainy days later we were still going – Rod always says i proved my friendship that day and since has never asked for help moving house. This house was just beautiful and pretty – yellow paint, white on features and beautiful fuchsia creeping flora that could cover the house. We constantly changed his furniture around – bucket seats in the lounge room and all dark and ‘royal’ theme, or white leather couch and pink shag pile rug…. it was always changing in the lounge room. His kitchen there though would probably be, if i could call anything, my ‘safe’ place. Big table almost filling the room, his cabinet filled with some expensive blue and white crockery behind us,  the 2 doves on the wall, the pink weird light, the bowl of heaps of coins – and just conversations and cups of tea…..Bliss! I had my own room here and always felt home in my bed there, Rod’s bed was brilliant though – he has a church pew as his bed head which is just fabulous.

Our Greatest achievement in this house was the Fruit and Veggie garden that took over half of Rod’s back yard – im devestated i dont have any pictures besides the one where you can see the start of the garden behind me and a friend in our bikinis. We had every kind of fruit and veggie you can think of growing at some point – we decided the first thing you would have to walk through was ‘corn as high as an elephants eye’ and when the corn grew to this high it was just so so cool. We used to put any randoms who had slept over after a big night out get up, get into the smallest shorts we could find them and get them to toil the earth! Many a blow up pool and hay bails were bought in next to the veggie patch in long hot summer sundays to be loose in the sun – i distinctly remember a bunch of us in the blow up pool doing a ‘Summer rain’ rendition – great times here.