Presenting Loose Dolly

Loose Dolly to many will just seem like a typical tale of a young person reminiscing on being young, and fun and fabulous. But Loose Dolly to me is so much more – she is my favorite part of me, the side of me that will always be laughing too loudly, having way too much fun, brimming with confidence and worrying about how she would pay the rent when she would need too on Tuesday – but for those moments – I truly lived life. She became part of me when I was working in a huge sales and management role that I never even believed I could do until my dearest friend Rod, gave me the confidence and understanding of who I was and that I could do this. He made me realise that I didn’t need to change who and what I wanted to do and be when I wasn’t working and in fact, I didn’t have to explain or give myself excuses to anyone because it was none of their business and I could keep my work and personal lives completely separate. It was part of the thrill being larger than life, generally in costume doing random things,  that to others were out of their comfort zones but to me was just fun – and watching society assume who you are based on your outward showing of having fun. When they would then discover my job, what I did and how many teams I looked after, how successful I was so young,  people naturally have a different approach to you. To me that was the greatest costume I ever wore – not the clothing I was wearing, watching how people react when they realise your actually fun on purpose and unashamed and as much as my name is Loose Dolly it’s not cause im a bimbo airhead. I have no idea if anyone will ever read this blog – I just started it because I have so many stories that immediately warm my heart, make me laugh and are the so cherished in my world that I wanted to be able to write them somewhere and reminisce before I forget about them forever.